my mother and aunt are the master minds behind the wonderful wedding shower i had two weeks ago. i have always been a huge barbie fan and still collect them!! so they threw me a barbie ice cream social wedding shower. it was amazing! here are some pics!!

it was at my parents house. they rented a tent, table and chairs.
the tables were decorated with barbies and ice cream sunday glasses. to get them to look like they had ice cream in them- they filled the glass with pink paper confetti and tied silk carnations together and place them on top so that it looked like pink whipped cream. then they took a plastic purple grape and put it on top of the carnations to look like a cherry- tied a bow at the bottom and there you go! so creative!! i couldnt believe all that they did!!
for favors for the guests- everyone got an ice cream scoop with a little card tied on with a bow- the card said "so sweet of you so come"!
there was a barbie pinata filled with snacks and little note pads, pencils, chapstick!!
my handy uncle decorated a chair for me to sit in with an old barbie quilt i had and hung up pink letters spelling out barbie!
to top it off my aunt and mom gave me an ice cream maker with all these adorable ice cream dishes to serve it in!!!!
i cant thank them enough! it was such a wonderful, but it went by way too fast and now i'm sad that it is over!
my sisters did an amazing jobs as hosts!! and tip for anyone who needs a shower game- my MOH sent my FI a list of 20 questions to answer. nothing to serious just stuff like when we met, our song, what i have on my nightstand and i had to answer what i think my FI would have said. for every answer i got wrong, i had to chew a piece of bubble gun! by the end i had a HUGE wad of gum in my mouth and had a hard time talking! it was hilarious!!
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